Pulse Jet Filter Receivers are used in high volume applications where continuous cleaning of the bags is required. Our filter receivers employ “On-Demand” pulsing systems in which bags are cleaned only when they need to be. With our dozens of years of experience, we know when to apply either bags or cartridges and can size a baghouse for any application. Pulse Jet Filter Receivers are a great way to cut down on time and maintenance as the bags can clean themselves. With Automatic controls and a Photohelic built in, our systems are designed to run 24/7/365. These vacuum receivers can be equipped with explosion vents to meet the latest NFPA requirements.
Automatic Filter Cleaning Receiver Features
- Support structure built to customers specific needs
- 12 gauge steel construction
- Multiple options on inlet/outlet connections for ease in design
- Manhole doors, observation ports, bin level indicators can all be included into the design and build of a pulse jet baghouse
- Man-Grates for easy install of cartridges or bags
- Custom paint or color can be applied
- Integrated explosion mitigation systems can be incorporated into the pulse jet filter receivers
- We can equip the receivers with rotary airlocks, wafer-style butterfly valves, or direct discharge into any type of vessel